Get Incredible Modulation Effects in Stereo with this Great E-H Stompbox!
The Electro-Harmonix Stereo Electric Mistress pedal takes an E-H classic to even more mind-blowing levels! The Stereo Electric Mistress lets you manually flange your signal, or freeze the modulated sound in Filter Matrix Mode. You can achieve some truly incredible modulations using the Flanger and Chorus controls together. Controls include Rate, Flanger Depth, and Chorus Depth. Now you can tweak away and get some of the coolest tones ever produced from a pedal with the Stereo Electric Mistress! Electro-Harmonix Stereo Electric Mistress Pedal Features:
Incredible modulated tones
Flange, chorus, and filter effects
Rate, Flanger Depth, and Chorus Depth controls
True stereo operation
Heavy-duty construction
LED indicator
Rugged footswitch
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